Along avec Anna has come a long way since it started life as a sewing blog back in 2013. We’re a small, but growing, team and it’s time to introduce you to the newest addition – Roberta!
Tell us about your role at Along avec Anna!
My role at Along Avec Anna is a bit multifaceted, but predominantly includes content creation, styling, visual merchandising and marketing.
Tell us a little about your work background.
I am a freelance fashion stylist and shoot producer and have always loved being creative, whether that’s composing a photograph, styling an outfit or dressing a space. A few years ago I began working as the head buyer, stylist, content creator and marketer for a sustainable clothing store, Sancho’s. During my time here I learnt a lot about sustainable fashion, consulting on branding, running a small business and building community as well as collections.
What made you want to work at Along Avec Anna?
I would always look at Anna’s windows when walking up and down Fore street. Her gorgeous branding, beautiful coloured yarns and stunning knitted pieces always caught my eye and I was always intrigued to learn more about the business. We had been following each other on Instagram for a while and I was thrilled when we got to chatting and the opportunity to work together arose.
Are you a knitter?
I have knitted, but I can’t call myself a knitter. I really respect the skill it involves to make such beautiful pieces and am inspired to learn, I’d love to be able to!

If you were an Along avec Anna pattern, which one would you be and why?
Probably the Belledone Jumper, because I like to think I am versatile, easy-going and I like classic and cosy styles.
If you were an Along avec Anna colourway what would you be?
I am having a real love affair with earthy and spicy tones like chataigne and tresor, but I am probably a jade because I like to create a calm and relaxing environment (and green is my forever favourite colour).

Tell us a little about your life outside of Along avec Anna
My life outside Along Avec Anna is pretty busy. I am a new mama to my gorgeous little 10 month old boy, Elijah and am enjoying every bit of raising him and spending quality time as a young family.

Interviewed by
Sarah xxx